
Listed April 2021

"Knox" aka "Geo"

Meet “Knox”! Knox is 11 years old, and living in South America. He is diagnosed with a speech delay, and a conduct disorder.

 Knox is in 1st grade, and does well in school. He is outgoing, friendly, and caring. He loves being outside, including going to the park, and riding his bike.

Knox is currently in speech therapy and has made progress with his expressive and receptive language disorder. Knox can be impulsive, but has gotten better about controlling them.

Knox is listed as "Geo" with Madison Adoptions where he has a $1,000 grant towards his adoption!

Could you be the family “Knox” is needing? Click the link below to donate to his grant or make an inquiry.

Password: Adoptmaa


Knox is listed as "Geo" with Madison Adoptions! His most recent update reads: Knox is described as being cheerful, sociable and empathetic. He shows interest in artistic, playful and recreational activities such as dancing, riding a bicycle and painting. He also enjoys going to the park, inventing and creating games, giving a different use to objects, and playing with balls. He looks much older in his updated photo, and has longed for a family of his own for SO many years. Knox goes overlooked day after day, month after month, and year after year. Please don't let this amazing little boy spend yet another year all alone. Scroll above to inquire!
