Hi! My name is Erin Davis. I am currently a college student getting my degree in Special Education and Elementary Ed. 

I was inspired to make this account after seeing the hundred of special needs children all over the world who are in need of a family. My brother has Down Syndrome, and I have a cousin with Down Syndrome and another cousin with severe autism, and the thought of one of them being mistreated and overlooked for simply having a disability hurts my heart. I have 3 cousins as well who were adopted domestically. I hope to adopt internationally one day when I am able.

As you go through these posts and children, please ask yourself, could this be my son or daughter? Pray for these children that they find their homes soon, and donate if you can. Everyone is worthy of LOVE.

instagram: findmyfamily_


  1. Thank you for advocating! I also desperately want these kids to find families.


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