Augustus - updated jun 2024

Listed May 2022

Meet “Augustus” aka “Casper”! Augustus is 5 years old, and living in Eastern Europe. He is diagnosed with internal hydrocephalus, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and a developmental delay. Augustus is also blind.

Sweet boy has been through so much, and although his diagnoses seem scary, Augustus is NOT a scary child! I worry that without love and quality medical care this child will be confined to a crib as he gets older.

Augustus depends on his caregivers for every aspect of his life. He cannot hold toys as his hands are clenched into tight fists, and will not react when teased or played with.

Augustus is bottle fed, and will occasionally cry when washed. He is a good sleeper.

Blindness is a condition in which an individual has very little to no eyesight. It can be congenital or acquired. Blind individuals often lead fairly normal and fulfilling lives. They can gain independence through the use of braille, canes, or service animals. People who are blind may have some sound sensitivities. 

In Augustus' case, he is specifically diagnosed with "cortical blindness". People with this condition usually don't have anything physically wrong with their eyes, but their brains do not signal to the eyes the picture being seen. The pupil's response to light is normal. An agency can give more info about Augustus and how his condition impacts him. 

Augustus' cerebral palsy is specifically spastic quadriparesis. This is the most severe form of CP, and affects all four limbs, the trunk, and the face. The muscles are "spastic" meaning they are increased in muscle tone, and extra stiff. In Augustus' case, his movements are limited and he is totally dependent on his caregivers. His legs and arms are "highly spastic with diffuse muscle hypotonia". He also has clenched fists. 

Augustus' epilepsy is controlled with medication. An agency can give more info about his epilepsy and how it affects him.

Augustus currently has $2,027 with Reece's Rainbow towards his adoption! He also has a $5,000 grant with Here I Am Orphan Ministries!

Please, see Augustus today. Donate to his grant if you can, or even better, make him your SON. He deserves so much more than a life in a crib.


Augustus remains fully dependent on his caregivers. He desperately needs a family to give him the love and care he so deserves. I hate to see such a beautiful boy lying in a crib, without access to love and medical care. If Augustus does not get adopted soon, it may be too late. Please, if you feel called to do so, PRAY for this boy, DONATE towards his adoption, and ASK yourself, could this be my son? Link above for donations and inquiries. Don't let "Augustus" be forgotten!


Augustus is now listed as "Axel" with Children's House International! His bio on Rainbowkids reads: Augustus reacts to tactile stimulation by an adult. He winces when hearing a loud sound. Augustus is unable to interact with the other children. He produces sounds. Augustus does not stretch out and does not grasp. He depends completely on the care of adults. Augustus is such a beautiful little boy who desperately needs access to quality medical care and services. This handsome dude just looks so snuggly and sweet, I can't believe he is still waiting. Please, don't be scared of Augustus because of his diagnoses. See him for the little boy he is, a child needing a family!


This precious guy is confirmed to STILL be waiting. I hope and pray that his time for a family is coming soon. Don't let him continue to grow up all alone. He is so deserving and worthy of love!


Augustus is now listed as "Atlas" with Agape Adoptions! His new update warms my heart, but want I want most is for him to be in a FAMILY. Hoping and praying his mama comes soon. Who will scoop up this precious boy and be the one to call him "son"? From Agape: Augustus is a sweet and gentle boy living in an Eastern European country. Augustus loves big hugs, and his smile lights up the room whenever he receives one. Augustus uses facial expressions to express his emotions, and is still developing his speech. After working with a psychologist and speech therapist, Augustus can now make sounds and understand speech. He is working on developing his grasping reflex. He enjoys playing with toys of various types and materials, and reacts positively to tactile stimulation from his caregivers. 

Augustus is now listed as "Rosario" with Children of All Nations! His most recent update reads: Augustus is a five-year-old boy who will need a family capable of providing full care for his entire life. His diagnoses include internal hydrocephalus: state after implantation of a VP-shunt; epilepsy; spastic quadriparesis; cortical blindness; and delay in the neuro-psychic development. He receives therapies targeted at preventing a decline in his current condition. He lies in bed and does not react to being teased or given attention. He does not seem to have the ability to grasp toys, but does react to being touched and communicates his mood with facial expressions. His sleep is undisturbed. Augustus deserves a life outside of an institution.


Adorable little Augustus has an update with Rainbowkids! He is still just as cute, but I hate knowing that he is still waiting for a family to run to him. Augustus has waited far too long, and he's getting older. I hope and pray that someone sees past his diagnoses and deficits and love him for the wonderful boy he is, calling him SON. Could he be yours? From Rainbowkids: There have been no changes in Augustus’ circumstances and his development has not progressed. Augustus cannot move his own body and relies on adults for all of his care. He experiences discomfort and distress when his physical position is adjusted. Therefore, Augustus spends most of his time lying in his crib where he appears to feel most secure and comfortable. His hands are clenched into fists, preventing Augustus from developing fine motor skills. He is bottle-fed and wears diapers. Augustus' interactions with his environment are nearly non-existent. Augustus does not exhibit social or emotional reactions in contact with others. He responds to sudden and loud sounds in his environment and reportedly enjoys listening to music. He is nonverbal. Augustus does not interact with other children and while all of his daily care is being provided by adults, he has not formed any attachments or relationships with them. Augustus occasionally responds to continuous tactile stimulation but does not smile when in contact with others. His care team does not expect that he will progress developmentally.
