Jesse & Sanjay


Listed March 2023

"Jesse" & "Sanjay"

Meet adorable brothers "Jesse" & "Sanjay"! Jesse is 10 years old while Sanjay is 9. Jesse is diagnosed with anxiety and a developmental delay. Sanjay is diagnosed with autism and anemia. These sweet boys are living in South America. 

These sweet boys have a strong bond. Jesse loves taking care of Sanjay, and is very patient with him. 


Meet loving and doting big brother Jesse! Jesse is a very affectionate boy.

Jesse is currently receiving education under a specialized plan, but works hard and is making good progress. He has a strong bond with his foster mother. Jesse is very well behaved, and has good relationships with his peers and teachers. He adapts easily to new environments. 

Jesse has previously received treatment for a tibial twist and flat foot. In the past he's had to wear a splint at night, but he is currently only needing to wear orthopedic insoles and do exercises with his legs and feet during the day.  


Meet adorable little "Sanjay"! Sanjay is overall a happy boy. He prefers to play by himself. 

Sanjay is nonverbal, and is beginning to follow short directions. He does not have any social or interaction skills. Sanjay is sensitive to light, sound, and physical contact. He adapts easily to new environments. 

As of March 2023, Sanjay was receiving therapy for speech and physical therapy. He takes daily vitamins for his iron deficiency and inflammation. 

Jesse and Sanjay have $0 in their personal grant with Nightlight towards their adoption!

Could these perfect boys be your sons? Don't let their intimidating needs keep you from taking a chance. They have experienced so much hurt and loneliness in their short lives, and deserve a family that is able to give them the care and love they so desperately need. Do you have room in your heart and home for TWO? 
