
Listed April 2023


Meet adorable miss "Greta"! Greta is 7 years old and living in Southeast Asia. She is diagnosed with epilepsy, a developmental delay, and an intellectual disability. 

Greta is described as a good-natured child who loves to play. She is almost always cheerful, and is not shy. Greta loves to sing and dance. Her favorite foods are sticky rice, chicken, ramen, and papaya salad. Greta loves animals, her favorite being a sheep, and she loves to watch cartoons with animals in them. She enjoys playing with younger children, and when a new child arrives at her orphanage, Greta is very welcoming towards them. 

Greta is patient, and has no problem waiting her turn. She is attentive and a great listener. Greta takes great care of her belongings, especially her shoes and books. Greta cries when she is upset, but is easily comforted with a hug and gentle conversation. She is delayed compared to her peers, and has an aid to support her throughout the day. 

Greta is currently taking medication for her epilepsy, and attends speech therapy once a month. 

Staff believe that Greta would do well with siblings. 

Greta needs a family that has access to quality medical and neurological services to address her epilepsy, and to be prepared for her ongoing developmental and educational needs. 

Sweet "Greta" sounds like a dream of a little girl. I pray that she doesn't have to wait much longer, and that her family finds her soon! Don't let Greta grow up within the walls of an orphanage. Click the link to inquire!
