

Listed September 2023

In country adoption agencies are temporarily closed due to civil unrest. This will cause significant delays to the process. Speak with an agency for more info. 


Meet handsome "Woodrow"! Woodrow is 10 years old and living in the Caribbean. He is diagnosed with microcephaly, cerebral palsy, and a visual impairment.

Woodrow is a sweet and outgoing boy! He LOVES food, and gets upset if meal time is late! He is a messy eater! Woodrow does not like to take baths, and particularly doesn't like people touching his face or head. He enjoys being pushed in his wheelchair, and swinging. He is not a big cuddler, but occasionally will accept hugs and kisses from those he's closest to and most comfortable with. Woodrow is also very ticklish! 

Woodrow can sit up independently, and kneel. He cannot walk or stand independently, but occasionally will bear weight on his feet with support. His feet are completely flat, and his ankles are tight. Woodrow would benefit from surgery that could help him begin to stand independently. He gets around by rolling or wiggling. Woodrow needs assistance with eating, and typically eats purees. He can drink from a sippy cup, water bottle, or regular cup. Woodrow occasionally has instances of inconsolable crying, but after changing his medications, this behavior has reduced drastically. He does not have a regular sleep schedule, but is generally calm and quiet even if he's awake at night. Woodrow likes to play with his feet, and often hits his head for sensory input. He does not have any purposeful movement in his hands, and often wrings them. 

Woodrow is currently taking medication, but it is unclear for what. He also receives physical therapy, and is enrolled in special education classes. 

Woodrow has $1,617 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow!

Could this sweet, handsome boy be your son? "Woodrow" has waited far too long for his forever family. As he watches his foster siblings come and go, Woodrow is probably wondering when it will be his turn. Please make this Woodrow's last holiday season an orphan. He is SO worthy! Click the link to inquire or donate towards his adoption!
