Jesslyn - updated jun 2024


Listed May 2023


Meet sweet baby "Jesslyn"! Jesslyn is 2 year old and living in East Asia. She is diagnosed with epilepsy, hydrocephalus, and a suspected visual impairment. Jesslyn was also born premature. 

Jesslyn is a snuggly baby who loves cuddles and hugs. She enjoys listening to music, and different sounds, like white noise. Jesslyn is described as calm and quiet. He favorite thing in the world is snuggling and getting attention! 

At just a year old, Jesslyn is not yet talking, but babbles like most babies. She has trouble with sucking and swallowing, but has improved with therapy. Jesslyn knows to open her mouth when she is being fed, and to push away when she is finished. Again, like most babies, she expresses her needs by crying. She is calm and quiet until she wants to be held, in which then she will start to yell and cry. Jesslyn has difficulty tracking with her eyes. When spoken to, she will vocalize back. Jesslyn does not initiate interactions. 

As of May 2023, Jesslyn was taking 120 oz of formula every 8 hours, and will also eat fruit purees. She participates in speech, occupational, and physical therapies daily. She recently received a wheelchair to use while she is at school. 

Jesslyn has $45 in her personal grant with Reece's Rainbow!

I hope and pray that someone scoops up "Jesslyn" while she is still so tiny! This amazing little girl could really benefit from early intervention services and quality medical care. How could you say no to this adorable baby girl? Praying that 2024 is her year! 


Jesslyn is now listed as "Tilly" with Holt International! Her update reads: Jesslyn likes hugs, music, and white noise. All of these things are said to soothe her when upset. Caregivers say she expresses her needs by crying or shaking her head no. When she cries, a pacifier or being held by a familiar adult will help calm her. Jesslyn sleeps through the night and when she wakes up, she will make "" noises which means she's in a good mood. Jesslyn has weekly speech, physical, and occupational therapy to aid her development. Her speech therapist says that after suggested mouth massages, Jesslyn's sucking and swallowing abilities have improved greatly. Her diet consists of formula, and on occasion - congee, fruit puree, egg yolk puree, and baby biscuits. Her reports say that that her favorite seems to be the fruit puree. Jesslyn has significant medical needs that will require excellent medical resources postplacement. Her adoptive family needs to be familiar with epilepsy and its appropriate care. They need access to a pediatric neurologist for regular follow-ups. 


Beautiful Jesslyn is still waiting! Jesslyn is getting bigger and it hurts to watch her grow up through photos in a residential facility. I know the perfect family is out there for this perfect girl. Early intervention is still very possible for Jesslyn! Please take a leap and say YES to this sweet girl! Her most recent update reads: Jesslyn loves being tickled. She laughs loudly when she is tickled. Jesslyn also loves going on walks with her caregivers. When they ask her if she would like to go on a walk, she will happily scream in response. Besides her regular diet of formula, Jesslyn also enjoys eating fruit, vegetable, and meat puree. She doesn’t seem to have a favorite food yet. Her caregivers say she sleeps soundly through the night. Reports say that Jesslyn looks forward to going to school. During the weekends, she is upset knowing she will not be able to go to school. Caregivers say that she has increased her responsiveness to language. Currently, Jesslyn has visual training that involves a moving color board. She also participates in regular speech, physical, and occupational therapy to aid in her development. Jesslyn has significant medical needs that will require excellent medical resources postplacement. Her adoptive family needs to be familiar with epilepsy and its appropriate care. 


Sweet Jesslyn has an update with Lifeline where she is listed as "Bea"! Her update reads: Jesslyn is a precious and happy little girl who enjoys music, and finds white noise soothing. She enjoys being held by her caregivers and eating fruit puree. Jesslyn loves the piano, being caried around by her caretakers, or being tickled. One of Jesslyn's favorite activities throughout the day is going to school and getting to see everyone. She is currently taking speech, physical, and occupational therapies that she attends weekly. 
