

Listed September 2019

"Kennet" aka "Simon"

Introducing "Kennet" aka "Simon"! Kennet is 9 years old and living in Asia. He is diagnosed with cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and a hearing impairment. 

Kennet is a very sweet little boy who lives in a residential facility. He loves to be held and carried around, and is an easy going kid. A family who met him said that "it's so easy to fall in love with this little boy!" Kennet loves to be around people, and making faces.

As of 2019, Kennet was nonverbal, and communicated through facial expressions and vocalizations. He understands everything that is said to him. Kennet spends most of his days laying in a crib or sitting in a high chair. He is able to eat with assistance. 

A family that met him said that "Within the three days we spent at the [residential facility], we were able to bond with him to the point he would smile and get excited when he saw us. The older girls told us he can understand what they say to him. He enjoys being held and carried around, but spends most of his day sitting in a baby walker or high chair. He seems very easy going, as we didn’t see him complain about being put in his crib for nap time, etc. The caregivers are working on his motor skills. He can eat with assistance and enjoyed the ice cream we brought! It’s so easy to fall in love with this little boy! We are praying his family sees him soon!”

As of 2019, Kennet was taking medication for his epilepsy. He also receives some physical therapy, but it is unclear to what extent, although it has helped with his spasms and spasticity. 

Kennet has $2,660.30 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow, as well as a $500 grant with Madison Adoptions!

"Kennet" aka "Simon" has waited his whole life for a family of his own. This precious little boy sounds so capable and loving. With the right supports, Kennet would just blossom in a family! I pray he doesn't wait much longer. Click the link to inquire or donate towards his adoption!

*photos available with agency for serious inquiries!*

*Kennet is eligible for the Miracle of Adoption Christmas Campaign with Reece's Rainbow! Click the link to learn more about this fundraising and advocacy initiative!*


Kennet now has an update as well as new photos with Madison Adoptions where he is listed as "Simon"! His update reads: Despite his condition, he is an active child and has progressed in his mobility through the help of his therapy sessions to improve his mobility and muscle strength. Kennet is enrolled in physical, occupational, and speech therapy sessions. He picks up toy shapes and transfers them from one container to the other in a slow way due to his spasticity. He responds through facial expressions and communicates by pointing to what he wants on his communication board. He understands and follows simple instructions such as take your face towel and wipe your mouth, "up here", or "high five". Kennet has a good appetite every meal time but sometimes needs more time as he stocks the food in his mouth before chewing and swallowing if he does not like the food. Due to Kennet's special needs, his child caring agency believes that the prospective adoptive parents will need to show him full support close supervision since he requires extra care, understanding, and love. He will need to continue therapies and will require special education. He likes to be around many children and would be open to larger families. Kennet is unlikely to live independently, however, with the love and care of a family, he would thrive and could live a full life with his family's support. His agency believes he will make a wonderful addition to a family and will be a much loved son!
