Prematurity Awareness Month: Edward


Listed August 2022


Premature babies are babies that are born before 37 weeks of pregnancy. An average pregnancy is lasts about 9 months or 40 weeks. Extremely premature babies are usually born from 23 weeks to 28 weeks. Babies who are born premature often have additional medical conditions as a result, including cerebral palsy, developmental delays, or blindness. These disabilities can vary greatly in severity. 

Many children who are born premature are able to live full and independent lives, while some require lifelong care. Still, each one is just as deserving of a forever family that will help them reach their fullest potential, no matter what that potential may look like. There are thousands of orphans with special needs all over the world with special needs, many of which who were born premature. This is one of their stories.

Kicking off the month by introducing "Edward"! Edward is 4 years old and living in Eastern Europe. In addition to being born premature, Edward is also diagnosed with periventricular leukomalacia, cerebral palsy, and microcephaly.

Edward has spent his entire life living in institutions and orphanages. He desperately needs a forever family to love him and care for him, as well as access to quality medical care and therapies. 

Edward is a sweet and cuddly boy who likes to play with rattles and listening to music. He loves attention from his caregivers.

Edward can express basic emotions like happiness and hunger, but it is unclear exactly how he communicates his needs and wants. He recognizes his caregivers and will seek attention from them. Edward is fed pureed food with a bottle. He takes two naps during the day, and falls asleep independently. 

Edward only weighed about 3 pounds when he was born. His disabilities are likely a result of him being born premature. 

"Edward" is so deserving of love, attention, and affection. He is missing out on so much that he could have in a family. Edward really needs access to quality medical care and therapies that he likely isn't receiving in his home country. Though his diagnoses seem intimidating, he surely isn't! He is just a little boy needing a mama. 
