
Listed March 2017


Meet sweet "Scotty"! Scotty is 9 years old and living in Eastern Europe. In addition to spina bifida, Scotty is also diagnosed with epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and hydrocephalus. He was also born premature.

Scotty has spent his whole life living in a large orphanage. He desperately needs access to quality medical care and therapies that just aren't available in his country. Scotty has SO much potential and would thrive in a family where he is loved and adored. 

Scotty loves to be teased and tickled, and will laugh out loud! He likes listening to music and playing with toys. His favorite toys are those that spin and move. 

Scotty has little support from his legs. His head control has improved and he can turn from his back to his belly. As of 2020, Scotty could sit independently and stand with support. Scotty maintains eye contact, and recognizes his caregivers. As of 2017, Scotty was not yet talking but could pronounce some sounds and syllables. He was fed with a spoon, and got additional nutrients from a bottle. He is almost totally dependent on his caregivers. 

Scotty is specifically diagnosed with Lumbar Spina Bifida which has been surgically corrected. It is unclear if his motor delays are caused by his spina bifida or cerebral palsy, but it is likely that they are both factors. 

In addition to surgery for his spina bifida, Scotty has also had shunt surgery which was revised in 2019. He has endured multiple hospital stays and health issues.

Scotty has $1,037.90 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow towards his adoption!

"Scotty" has been overlooked since he was tiny. Years go by, and still, Scotty waits for his mama to come save him from a life as an orphan. Please, don't let Scotty grow up alone. Click the link to make an inquiry or donate towards his adoption. Make him your SON!



Scotty is now listed as "Royal" with Children's House International! His most recent update with Rainbowkids reads: Scotty is calm. He likes the company and the attention of the surrounding staff; he likes to be talked to and sing to. He often laughs out loud. Expresses non-verbally his satisfaction when communicating through a look and a smile. The child is calm and cheerful and likes to listen to songs. The child feels emotionally comfortable in the company of peers but prefers that of adults.


  1. I am Scotty's MACC warrior. :) I will be advocating for him on my blog


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