
Listed June 2022


Kicking off the month by introducing "Georgi"! Georgi is 10 years old and living in Europe. In addition to spina bifida, he is also diagnosed with hydrocephalus.

There is no information publicly available on Georgi other than his diagnoses, but an agency can give more info. It is not clear what type or severity of spina bifida he has. What IS clear though is that he is an orphan, waiting for his forever family! Behind that silhouette is a beautiful boy, so deserving of love and attention, and access to quality therapies and medical care, something he may not be receiving in his home country.

This month, I will be sharing some of my favorite children with spina bifida! Spina Bifida is a condition in which the baby's spine does not fully close within the first month of pregnancy. In typical babies, the spinal column begins in a flat plane, but begins to curl and seals together form a tube shape. In children with spina bifida, the tube does not completely seal. There are three types of spina bifida, occulta, meningocele, and myelomeningocele, the latter of which is the most common and most serious. Children with spina bifida typically will need support of a wheelchair, walker, or crutches depending on the severity, and often physical therapy. 

Georgi has a $2,000 grant towards his adoption with Reece's Rainbow!

Georgi is just one of thousands of orphans with spina bifida all over the world waiting for their families. Please consider Georgi or one of these other amazing kids! Though his diagnosis seems scary, I assure you he is not a scary child!

Don't let "Georgi"'s lack of information keep you from taking a chance. He is just as deserving of a family! Could this little boy be your son?
