
Listed October 2022


Introducing "Ruby"! Ruby is 8 years old and living in Western Europe. She is diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

Ruby is a beautiful little girl waiting for her forever family. She likely is not getting the quality medical care and therapies she so deserves and needs to thrive. 

Ruby is described as a cheerful and smiling girl. She is attentive to people and what is happening around her. Ruby can express contentment or displeasure through facial and body movements, words, and crying. Ruby is a child less and less strange in the presence of strangers. She is friendly, empathetic, doing lots of funny things as a way to get attention. Ruby is able to distinguish the figure of the caregivers from the other people with whom she relates, establishing privileged relationships with them. She is a child who fixes her face and smiles and seeks and maintains eye contact. Ruby enjoys social situations with other children and adults and actively seeks interaction with those around her, through songs, vocalizations and diverse facial expressions. These skills are also validated by Ruby's peers as they show the affection they feel for her, interact a lot and invite her to birthday parties. Ruby also manifests imitation behaviors such as dances or gestures and daily routines. Ruby is a very sensitive, happy girl who captivates everyone around her.  

Not much information is provided about "Ruby" other than her diagnoses, but what is clear is that she is a precious child who needs a mama to give her all the love and snuggles! Halloween is coming up and Ruby won't be trick or treating or eating candy with her family, but you can make this her last Halloween an orphan. Click the link to make an inquiry!
