Sasha - passed away


Listed March 2019

Urgent need: Condition deteriorating for undisclosed reasons, and in need of quality medical care. Please inquire with Reece's Rainbow for more info. 

Sasha sadly passed away in November 2023


Meet amazing miss "Sasha"! Sasha is 12 years old, and living in Latin America. In addition to being deaf, Sasha is also diagnosed with epilepsy and a congenital heart defect (ventricular septal defect).

Sasha is described as a spunky and free spirited girl. She is curious and LOVES to explore. She likes to be tickled, and her eyes sparkle! She also loves to watch herself in the mirror.

Deaf children have little to no hearing at all. They often learn other means of communication, most commonly through sign language. In Sasha's case, she has not learned any sign, and it can be difficult to communicate with her. She understands some signs like "sit" and "no", but cannot yet communicate back. She is working on learning more.

Sasha no longer takes medication for her heart condition. She never had surgery to correct it as it was not thought to be needed, but she is being monitored. She takes medication for her seizures, but has not had one since starting it as of 2019.

Sasha is diagnosed as having a ventricular septal defect. The most recent information about her CHD can be found in the paragraph above. An agency can also give more info on Sasha's CHD and how it impacts her.

Sasha has a $5,000 grant with Reece's Rainbow, and a $5,000 grant with Here I Am Orphan Ministries! 

Could this adorable girl be your daughter? She has waited ever since she was tiny, and needs a forever family to show her what love looks like and give her all the tools to help her reach her fullest potential. Click the link to make an inquiry! Don't let "Sasha" wait any longer!

*additional photos and videos available for serious inquiries*


Sasha's favorite thing is jumping on the trampoline! She likes to explore, and getting affection and attention from her caregivers. She understands a lot of things, but is still working on sign language skills. She is working on signing "more", sorting things, and attention to task activities. She is very mouthy and will put things in her mouth. She will interact with other kids, but would much rather wander around and play by herself. Sasha can eat independently, though she is very messy. She is not yet potty trained but working on it. Could this sweet and silly girl be your daughter?




Sasha is a fun, spunky, curious 12 year old that is always on the move! She loves to snuggle, but then is off to find something new to do. She is deaf and has developmental delays so she has not yet learned sign language. Sasha does communicate with her facial expressions and understands some signs but doesn't yet repeat them back. She would thrive in a family that is dedicated to loving her and advocating for her health and developmental needs. Sasha is extremely petite, and even at 12 years old, is about the size of a five year old.


Sasha's health has unexpectedly begun to deteriorate, and she needs medical care ASAP! Quality medical care is not available in her country, and her situation could become critical. These details cannot be disclosed publicly, but more information is available upon inquiry at Reece's Rainbow. Please don't let sweet Sasha continue to go without a loving home. You can change her life!


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