Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month: Brett


Listed July 2020


Meet adorable "Brett"! Brett is 9 years old and living in Eastern Europe. He is diagnosed with a developmental delay and ADHD.

Brett lived with a foster family from birth till age 4, when he was transferred to a small residential faciliy. He has since THRIVED since moving! Brett is described as very affectionate. He loves receiving praise and affection from his caregivers, and is a great cuddler! 

Brett is learning lots of new skills and improving in his development. He is able to speak basic words and simple sentences. He understands everything that is said to him, and can independently brush his teeth, hair, get dressed and undressed, and is potty trained. Brett can count to 10, recognize shapes and colors, and recognizes caregivers and other children. He does struggle with concentrating on tasks. He can usually finish with support from adults. He can eat independently. 

Brett specifically has developmental delays in the areas of speech and cognition. He is currently receiving speech therapy, and has made progress. An agency can give more info regarding Brett's developmental delays and how they impact him. 

As of 2021 Brett is in kindergarten. He is also receiving speech therapy, and is followed by a pedagogue and psychologist. 

Brett currently has $751.50 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow towards his adoption as well as a $500 grant with Madison Adoptions! 

This handsome guy has waited far too long for his forever family. He is getting so big, and as years go by he is STILL overlooked. He needs a family so that he can continue to improve in his development and reach his fullest potential! Could "Brett" be your son? Click the link to make an inquiry or donate towards his personal grant!

*videos are available with Madison Adoptions*


Brett is a sweet boy who is always ready to play! He loves hide and seek, playing with balls, and snow. He has good fine motor skills, and is able to solve puzzles and color in the lines. He especially likes to play with other kids and group activities! Brett is currently attending Kindergarten at a school for children with special needs. He is learning his colors, shapes, and sizes. He is gradually beginning to speak more complex sentences, but still typically uses basic phrases and words. Brett sounds like such a great kid, one that would make for the perfect son. Could he be yours? 


Brett is listed as "Isaac" with Agape! His most recent update reads: "Brett is an active and playful young boy living in an Eastern European country, This energetic boy is always ready to play. Some of his favorite activities are playing hide and seek, throwing and catching a ball, and playing in the snow. Brett also enjoys playing with his toys, watching children's movies, and listening to music. His fine motor skills are quite good; he can solve puzzles with large shapes and color within the lines of a coloring book. Brett often invites others to play with him, and loves participating in group activities. This sweet boy attends kindergarten for children with special needs and is currently learning colors, shapes, and sizes. His favorite part of school is listening to songs in class and dancing to them. Brett's speech is delayed, but he's greatly improved on his speaking ability and can use complex sentences. I'm so sad that this wonderful little boy is still waiting for a family to call his own. Don't let him go overlooked any longer! Scroll above to inquire, or donate towards his adoption.

*updated video available with agency*


Y'all, can I say when I saw these new pictures of Brett, my heart was so full yet so broken at the same time. He is SO stinkin cute, and I love an updated photo, but HE IS STILL WAITING! Why?! Brett would make for such an AMAZING son, and I can't believe he's still waiting for his family to see him. Please let 2024 be the year he finally goes home. He deserves to be loved and called a son! 

Brett is now listed as "Elijah" with Children's House International! His most recent update reads: Brett is cooperative, smiling, and always ready to play. He likes it when someone plays with him and he enjoys new objects. Brett likes listening to music and dancing. He frequently re-creates scenes from his favorite cartoons. Brett is not anxious during interactions with strangers - when he meets them for the first time, he invites them to play with him and tries talking to them and hugging them. He does not manifest any aggression. Brett strives to receive attention from adults. 

Brett was born in 2014 and has been diagnosed with moderate developmental delay and unspecified disturbances of behavior. He wears glasses to correct his strabismus and may be allergic to bee stings. Brett has been in state care with multiple placements since being a newborn, including three years in a foster family during which he did not receive any interventions. At this time Brett lives in a residential facility for disabled children and youth where he has made continuous developmental progress. Brett is an active, energetic boy with well-developed gross motor skills. Fine-motorically, Brett is described as a bit clumsy still although he seems motivated to improve. He is well-oriented in familiar environments and has a basic understanding of the surrounding world. Brett eats and un/dresses independently and is potty trained. He sleeps well. Brett has a short attention span and quickly switches between activities, especially when his interest is low. He speaks in simple sentences supplemented with varied and lively nonverbal communication but can be difficult to understand at times. He carries out exact and clear instructions. Brett works with a speech therapist and is showing progress in this area of development. A loving and affectionate boy, Brett likes to be the center of attention and persistently seeks contact especially with adults, but also with children. He’s always ready to play. Brett is cooperative, strives to follow the rules, and responds well to praise and encouragement. He attends a school for children with special education needs and is currently working on preschool level skills. He cannot yet read, write, or calculate. A psychologist meets with him regularly. Brett enjoys hide and seek, activities with balls, watching children’s shows and acting out favorite scenes, solving puzzles with large pieces, singing and dancing, crafts, playing in the snow, and learning poems and counting. He waits for a family who will love and enjoy him as well as support his path toward reaching his full potential.


Brett is now listed as "Elijah" with Children of All Nations! His most recent update reads: Brett is nine years old. He does not get ill often. He walks, runs, goes up and down stairs, throws and kicks a ball, and climbs. He directs his attention toward favorite activities and games. He likes playing hide and seek, playing with a ball, watching childrens shows, solving puzzles with large pieces and singing, listening to music. and dancing. His listed special needs include low birth weight, moderate mental delay; significant disturbance of behavior requiring attention and treatment; hypoprosexia (impaired concentration of the attention); concomitant convergent strabismus; and hyperkinetic behavior. Brett easily adapts to new environments. He speaks with words and short sentences and strives to use longer ones; Brett is cooperative, smiling, and always ready to play. He does not manifest any aggression and he strives to follow rules and instructions. Brett has gained independence as well and has developed self-service skills. He uses the bathroom on his own and is also able to eat on his own for the most part. 
