Listed July 2020

"Madix" aka "Connor"

Madix is aging out in May 2025

Meet "Madix"! Madix is 15 years old, and living in Africa. He is diagnosed with cerebral palsy, and is also blind.

Madix is full of joy! He likes to listen to music, and will pretend to play guitar. He is a sweet boy, and gets along well with peers. 

Madix is responsive and cooperative. He is very strong and can stand with support. After his orphanage was granted some wheelchairs in 2017, Madix was able to independently eat and get in and out of his wheelchair. Madix can get out of bed by himself and stand with support while holding onto the wall. He has lots of potential and caregivers believe that with more time and therapy he will become even more independent! He is getting therapy twice a week as of 2018, but it is unclear what kind.

Madix has a $5,000 grant with Reece's Rainbow towards his adoption! 

This sweet boy has waited SO long for a family. He will be aging out in 2025. Please don't let "Madix" become one of the forgotten children! He has so much potential, and just needs a little love and access to quality medical care and therapies! Click the link to make an inquiry or donate towards Madix's adoption!

*Madix is eligible for the Miracle of Adoption Christmas Campaign with Reece's Rainbow! Click the link to learn more about this fundraising and advocacy initiative!*
