Robert - family found!

Listed April 2019

In country adoption agencies are temporarily closed due to civil unrest. This will cause significant delays to the process. Speak with an agency for more info. 



Introducing "Robert"! This handsome kid is 11 years old and living in Latin America. He is diagnosed with a developmental delay and microcephaly. 

Robert is a sweet boy with a contagious laugh. He loves to give hugs, high fives, and fist bumps. His favorite place to be is outside! Robert loves to swing, and jumping on the trampoline. He also enjoys school, and his favorite letter is "O"!. Robert is a gentle boy, and likes to play with and take care of the younger children in his residential care home. 

Robert understands English, as well as his native language. He can say a few words, but he mostly communicates through gestures or head nods. He does need some extra time to process questions or directions, and may freeze while he's thinking, for example during transitions. Robert is able to draw and trace. He gets one on one time at school to practice his skills. 

Robert currently has $5,000 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow, as well as a $5000 grant with Here I Am Orphan Ministries! 

"Robert" has so much potential, and needs a family to give him the love and care he so deserves. Could this amazing kid be YOUR son? Click the link to make an inquiry or donation towards Robert's adoption!

*More photos and videos available with agency*



Robert is much more easy going and independent now. He’s made a lot of progress in the last couple of years! He’s honestly such a happy boy who loves people, hugs, and music. Robert is quite good at taking selfies on cell phones too. He loves to play on his own, not in a way that he doesn’t play with others but meaning he doesn’t need someone to entertain him. Robert builds with magnetic tiles and enjoys creative play with his dolls/stuffed animals. Sometimes he sets up his stuffed animals and babies to pretend to feed them or do school. Other nights he’s hanging his sheet across the room to make a hammock swing. He makes his foster family laugh a lot! Robert is independent with getting dressed, showering, changing his sheets and etc. Occasionally, accidents at night but they are few and far between. He eats and drinks on his own but he doesn’t chew well. Robert could use OT for this. He is such a kind helper and aware of routines or tasks needing to be done. For example, if his foster mom is getting another child ready, without prompting, he will go get clothes and socks/shoes for them too. Robert LOVES his big bike! 3 years ago he was scared of a bike but now he rides around on his 24inch bike, no problem! He enjoys jumping on the trampoline and going on walks. Robert is still drawn to trees and shadows for sensory input. He may cross his arms and refuse to cooperate. Sometimes shakes his head or cries. This used to happen frequently but it is not frequent anymore. We can work through it much easier now though. He mostly does it when he is trying to express something he needs/wants or doesn’t want. So he is using it to try to communicate where his speech is limited. Robert makes noises or talks with the handful of phrases he can say. He is learning to expand his vocabulary. Robert's natural response used to be to run when he was scared but very rarely does he do that now too. For example, medical appointments were always difficult for him, needing days to prepare ahead. Now he is fine to go and doesn’t need much prepping. He’s such a joy to live with and he would flourish even more in a family! Robert loves school! He is such a fun student to have because he is excited about everything he does, and other kids too. Robert is constantly cheering for himself or for his friends and wanting to help them out in any way! He has transitioned to a full day of school easily. Robert is very good at sorting. He can match or sort any colors, letters, and numbers. Robert has delays but we are continuing to work with him. He likes sensory play like kinetic sand, shaving cream, and water beads. Robert has so much potential to learn so many things if he were to have access to more services!
