
Listed January 2022


Meet sweet "Stu"! Stu is 10 years old and living in Eastern Europe. He is diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

Stu is calm and sociable. He is said to have a radiant smile and LOVES stuffed animals! 

Stu can use a walker or be pushed in his wheelchair. He can stand and take a few steps with support. Stu is nonverbal but can say "mama" and "grandma". He reacts to his name being called and follows simple instructions. 

Stu has $0 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow towards his adoption!

Sweet "Stu" desperately needs a mama who will give him the love and care he so deserves and needs. Are you the one to give Stu a stuffed animal of his own? Are you is future family?

Click the link to make an inquiry



Stu is described as a sweet boy with a radiant smile! He loves to play in the ball pit and going down the slide. His favorite foods are fruit, soups, and desserts (of course!), but he does not like meat. Stu is a resilient boy who loves to learn. Stu needs surgery for his clubfeet as well as glasses. He tries so hard to stand on his own, but until he gets the surgery it is near impossible. He is still in diapers. Stu can become jealous and upset if he sees other children receiving attention. He is currently receiving physical therapy and is seen by a psychologist. Stu can get in and out of his wheelchair by himself. He can eat independently and eats regular food that is not pureed or mashed. Stu is still minimally verbal but can say "aunt" "mom" and "yes". He also will wave and blow kisses! Stu typically takes naps in the afternoon. This handsome boy STILL waits for his forever family. I pray he doesn't have to wait much longer. Could "Stu" be your son? Scroll above to click the link and make an inquiry.

Updated photo September 2022


It makes me so so sad to know that "Stu" is still waiting, growing up in photos, and not in a family. This precious boy has waited his entire life, but has only been listed a couple years. Please don't make him wait yet another year for a mama. He will turn 10 years old later this year, and getting closer and closer to aging out. The older children are often overlooked, especially those with more significant needs, but I hope and pray that someone sees Stu and all his worth. It HAS to... Update from Children's House International where he is listed as "Stefi" - Stu is a calm and smiling child. He does not fall into crises, there are no reactions of aggression. Stu shows negative emotions by crying, covering his face, or pushing other children when he feels that attention is not directed at him. He responds positively to attention, responds with laughter and high spirits. Stu responds when called by name, makes eye contact and often observes others. Stu is in contact with the other children. He likes to play with stuffed toys, reacting by crying if the toy is taken away. 
