Vivian - passed away

Listed July 2020

Vivian sadly passed away in October 2023.


Meet beautiful and wonderful “Vivian”. Vivian is 7 years old, and living in Africa. She has a long list of diagnoses, including a traumatic brain injury.

Vivian is a light. She has waited for a family since she was just itty bitty, and now at six years old, Viv is still waiting for her forever family.

Vivian has a feeding tube, but she still loves to drink smoothies and hot chocolate every once in a while! She loves snuggles and being held. Vivian will smile big and make joyful sounds when bounced. She loves picnics outside, going for walks, and bubble baths. Vivian has a gentle personality.

Vivian’s right hand was amputated as a baby, but she can use her left hand to grab toys and blankets. She sleeps often during the day. Though she is nonverbal and likely blind, Vivian uses her hands to feel her favorite caregivers, like a bracelet they may be wearing. Her caregivers feel that with time and love, her communication skills can grow and improve.

Though not explicitly mentioned in her bio, Vivian’s TBI was likely caused some time at birth. This has contributed to her blindness and cerebral palsy.

Vivian currently has $2,075.20 in her personal grant with Reece's Rainbow towards her adoption!

Vivian is just as deserving of a family as any child. She is beautiful, and has so much potential. Don’t see her as her traumatic brain injury, see her as VIVIAN. See her as your DAUGHTER.

Click the link to make an inquiry or donation towards Vivian’s adoption!

*Vivian is eligible for the Miracle of Adoption Christmas Campaign with Reece's Rainbow! Click the link to learn more about this fundraising and advocacy initiative!*


Sweet Vivian has waited for her family since she was a tiny baby. As of October 2022, Vivian has two more diagnoses: cerebral palsy and a hearing impairment. Vivian is described as a happy and loveable girl. She is making progress with communicating and exploring her world! Vivian sleeps a lot during the day. She mostly communicates using facial expressions and vocalizing. She loves soft textures, music, and all the snuggles with her caregivers! She loves to lay on the couch. Vivian is a sweet and easygoing little girl. She desperately needs a family to give her the love she so deserves, as well as access to quality medical care and therapies. Could Vivian be your daughter?



  1. Oh no💔 She's too precious. I so wish she could have found a family. Do you know what the cause was/if it would have been preventable? I hope another child is able to receive her grant. ❤️ thanks for sharing.

    1. I'm not sure, but her group home said it was unexpected. Makes me so sad too, if only a family had found her in time, maybe things would be different. :(


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