Cataracts Awareness Month: Izaiah


Listed January 2024


Meet adorable little "Izaiah"! Izaiah is 2 years old and living in Eastern Europe. In addition to cataracts, Izaiah is also diagnosed with hydrocephalus and peripheral neuropathy. 

Izaiah is a sweet and curious boy. He enjoys playing with toys, games, and other children. Izaiah loves going for walks outside. 

Izaiah is currently living in a foster family. He can pull himself up to standing with support. Izaiah has limited vision in his left eye especially. He understands what is said to him, and he will smile and make eye contact. He says a few single words, but primarily communicates with gestures and facial expressions. Izaiah is able to say how old he is on his fingers. He is beginning to show interest in potty training, but he is still wearing a diaper. Izaiah is able to sit independently, roll over, and can stand up from lying down. He is mostly bottle fed, and can hold his bottle independently. Izaiah's fine motor skills are also delayed, however he can transfer objects between hands. 

Izaiah receives physical therapy three times a week, and has made significant progress. His therapist feels that he will be walking independently very soon. As of November 2023, Izaiah has had cataract surgery on both eyes. He was also recently seen by a neurologist in June 2023, who dropped the hydrocephalus diagnosis. 

Izaiah currently has $47.50 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow!

I know the perfect family for this super sweet boy is out there! "Izaiah" is still young, and would greatly benefit from early intervention. I just hope he doesn't have to wait too much longer. Could Izaiah be your son?
