Emil - updated jun 2024


Listed August 2022


Meet the cutest little boy in the world, "Emil"! Emil is 6 years old and living in Eastern Europe. He is diagnosed with cerebral palsy, microcephaly, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Emil was also born premature.

Ever since I saw this sweet guy's updated photos, I have decided to advocate for him like no other! I don't know why I feel such a strong pull to this handsome boy, but I'm really hoping he finds his family soon!

Emil likes toys that make sounds, and will play with them for a long time. He also likes nursery rhymes. Emil is usually in a good mood, and loves getting attention from his caregivers. He smiles most of the time, and loves to look at lights. Emil loves listening to and making sounds. Though he is nonverbal, he is a little chatterbox! Emil's favorite foods are those that are sweet, or soups. He doesn't like peas or cabbage. 

Emil is living in a residential facility. He is able to sit with support, and roll from his tummy to back and vice versa. Emil responds with coos and smiles when he is spoken to, but his caregivers do not believe he understands. Emil is a picky eater, and while he can eat with a spoon, he prefers to be fed pureed foods with a pacifier. He has frequent bouts of constipation. Emil is angry occasionally, but not aggressive. His movements appear uncoordinated and without a purpose. Though Emil is nonverbal, he communicates through crying and laughing. He does not pay attention to TV or electronics. Emil does not get sick often, and when he does, gets over it easily. He does not have a specific sleep routine, and will often wake up in the night, but does not cry. He will "talk" and coo until he falls back asleep. Emil is fine around other children, but does not interact with them. 

Emil receives physical therapy two to three times a week. He is not currently taking any medications. Emil's caregivers believe that in time and with hard work, he may be able to learn to stand independently. 

Emil has a $2,500 grant towards his adoption with Wasatch!

This sweet little guy is absolutely perfect. He's waited for SO long, and I want a family for him SO badly. He has been in state care for his entire life, now it's time for him to experience what a real family is supposed to be. Could you be that family for Emil? Click the link to inquire!



I can't believe this absolutely PERFECT boy is still waiting for his forever family! Emil is such a cutie, and would make someone SO happy one day. Hoping and praying someone sees their son in Emil soon. He deserves more than a life within the walls of an orphanage. Emil is now listed as "Emerson" with CCAI, and his update reads: Emil is an extremely sweet little boy who needs love and personal attention. During the day, he plays with toys, mainly musical ones that make sounds. He likes to listen to nursery rhymes. Follows bright light – such as Christmas lights. Since he came to the residential facility, there has been progress, especially with motor skills. He works with a rehabilitator - 2 to 3 times a week. At admission to the center from the baby home he was only lying down, but now he stands up to a sitting position and stays seated for a long time. He mainly uses his left hand. When he is lying on the floor, he turns from his back to his stomach and vice versa. Emil grumbles about having his hair washed, :) but otherwise he has a positive emotional tone and is in a good mood. The staff of his residential facility describes him as a "character" and believes that he will progress more if he works with different specialists. He is calm and most of the time entertains himself but also loves personal attention and seeks it out. Please help us find Emil's family!


Sweet "Emil" is now listed as "Everett" with Children's House International! Emil is getting bigger and I hate seeing him grow up through photos in an orphanage. He is so worthy of love and a family that will care for his every need. I know the perfect family is out there just WAITING to scoop him up! Do you have room in your heart and home for Emil?


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