

Listed May 2023


Introducing beautiful "Melanie". Melanie is 9 years old, and living in Africa. She is diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

Melanie is described as a delightful little girl that can brighten any room. She loves to be picked up and spun around, danced with, or held upside down. Melanie loves being tickled, and playing hide and seek 
with scarves and blankets. She is a very smart and bright little girl with lots of energy!

Melanie is mostly nonverbal, but communicates using vocalizations and by crying. She has an attachment to her favorite caregivers, and recognizes familiar people. Melanie is able to say the names of a few of her caregivers. 

Melanie is not currently in any therapy, but she would greatly benefit from speech therapy!

Melanie has $2,265.20 in her personal grant with Reece's Rainbow!

"Melanie" sounds like just the perfect mix of wild and sweet. Can you imagine going on adventures with this pretty girl? Melanie so desperately deserves the love and consistency that comes with a family. Please don't let her grow up all alone!
