Listed April 2022

Kolby will be aging out in June 2026!


Meet handsome "Kolby"! Kolby is 14 years old and living in Africa. He is suspected to have cerebral palsy, but could have also had a stroke in utero.

Kolby has lived at his orphanage since he was just merely two years old, after a lengthy stay in the hospital after being found abandoned in a field. He has experienced so much heartache in his life, yet he still smiles! Kolby is described as a sweet and always smiling boy who wants to learn! He loves food, his favorite being spaghetti! He likes to play with cars.

Kolby has waited year after year for a family of his own. He has watched children at his orphanage come and go, and he anxiously awaits his turn. Kolby is unable to attend school due to his special needs, but likes to pay attention when staff helps another student with their homework. He is always listening and trying to repeat what he hears. Kolby is completely potty trained, and let's caregivers know when he needs to use the bathroom. Kolby's right side is primarily affected. He does not seem to have severe cognitive delays, and can easily lift his left hand and foot. Kolby can say a few words, and recognizes his peers and caregivers. 

Kolby has not been formally diagnosed with a stroke as his birth history is unknown, but it is a possibility that a family should be prepared for. Kolby exhibits many symptoms typically found in children with cerebral palsy caused by a stroke in utero, or before birth. An agency may have more information. 

As of 2018, Kolby was receiving physical therapy three times a week.  

Something about this amazing boy has just stolen my heart. "Kolby" has waited so long for a family of his own, watched his friends come and go from the orphanage, and wonders when it will be his turn. He longs to go to school, and be apart of a home that will love him unconditionally and give him the supports he needs to reach his full potential. He is getting older and bigger, and soon it will be too late. If you think he could be your son, please inquire. Don't keep him waiting!

*Rainbowkids listing has Kolby's real name. Please don't share it.*
