
Listed May 2021


Sharing today adorable "Silvio"! Silvio is 7 years old and living in Eastern Europe. In addition to being born premature, Silvio is also diagnosed with a visual impairment. He also has a trach.

Silvio is described as an active little boy who initiates contact. He loves to play with toys, and interacting with his caregivers. 

As of 2020 Silvio was fed with a bottle. He was not yet walking, but could roll from his back to his stomach and vice versa. He tries to crawl. Silvio could make eye contact with his peers and caregivers. 

Silvio's delays and medical conditions are likely a result of his prematurity. He was born extremely premature at 22 weeks old, and spent his first 6 months of his life in the hospital. A child born at 22 weeks has just a mere 15% chance of survival. This means that Silvio is a FIGHTER, and doesn't give up easily. Just think of how he would just THRIVE in a family if given the opportunity! He's beaten the odds more than once, proved doctors wrong, and desperately needs a family who can help him continue to make progress and reach his full potential.

Silvio has a trach, and had LASIK eye surgery in October 2017.

Silvio has $1,128.65 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow towards his adoption!

"Silvio" is clearly a fighter. He deserves a family that will fight just as hard as he has to make him their son. He needs access to quality medical care and therapies. Sweet Silvio is still young, his light hasn't faded yet. I pray that his family finds him soon. He would THRIVE in a home where he is loved and adored. Can you imagine dance parties or snuggling on the couch with this sweet one? Could he be your son? Click the link to make an inquiry or donate towards his adoption!

*videos available with the agency*
