Listed October 2019

Andy will be aging out in November 2025!


Introducing sweet "Andy"! Andy is 14 years old and living in Eastern Europe. Andy is healthy. He was originally listed with his two sisters, who are both no longer available for international adoption for unknown reasons. Though he is healthy, Andy has significant unspecified behavioral issues. He may do better in a family where he is the only child or youngest child. 

Andy enjoys going to school and being with peers. He likes to play soccer and eat french fries! He wants to be a policeman when he grows up. Andy is described as "active and optimistic". In addition to soccer, he also likes to play volleyball, karate, wrestling, and swimming. He loves dogs, his favorites being Pitbulls and German Shepherds. 

As of October 2019 Andy had tested age appropriate in psychological and emotional testing. He does well in school and has no behavior concerns. 

Andy has a $2,000 grant with Reece's Rainbow, a $2,000 grant with Hand in Hand, and a $2,000 grant with Madison Adoptions! He also has another $2,000 grant with Reece's Rainbow where he is also listed as Abram!

Andy was originally listed with his older and younger sister, but as of January 2023 is the only sibling eligible for international adoption. The girls are unavailable for unknown reasons.

VIDEOS - both girls in this video are no longer available for international adoption - both girls in this video are no longer available for international adoption - both girls in this video are no longer available for international adoption


An update on Andy from Children's House International: The dominant emotional conditions of the child are positive. There is no data of elevated level of anxiety and fear, without any determined stimuli. The child doesn’t get depressed, there is no data of experiencing some episodic emotionalcrisis. He respects the authority of the adults; he follows directions and instructions, and he is not opposed to the set rules. Andy dreams of having his forever family. the boy still has the hope that he will be chosen, appreciated, liked and loved from a family and they will come for him. In that relation Andy decided to write a letter where he can share his thoughts that are difficult for him to share with words and in front of the people. The fact that he decided to open exactly about that, shows a big emotional progress, because he was hiding for very long time this deep inside. 



Sadly, Kayla/Katrina is no longer eligible for international adoption due to unknown reasons. Andy still waits for his forever family. Please, someone bring this precious boy home!


Andy is now listed as "Angel" with CCAI! It makes me so sad to know this wonderful child is still waiting. He has experienced so much loss and trauma, and needs a home where he will be loved. Praying his time comes soon. His recent updated reads: Andy is physically healthy with good motor skills and he loves to participate in sports. While he is shy and often does not express his emotions, especially if the subject is negative, Andy is communicative and seeks dialogue with children and adults. When communicating he is patient to listen and not hasty or annoying. He is ambitious and wants to express himself in different out of class activities. Andy feels significant when he is rewarded and praised. He likes to recite poems and is very interested in historical figures. Andy tries to keep his appearance neat and tidy. He respects the authorities, acts according instructions and guidance and does not rebel against the established rules. He is inquisitive and wants to learn. Andy puts efforts in mastering the school material. He does well in school. Andy dreams about having his forever family. He shares that he feels sadness and is worried about the prospect of never getting to say “mom” and “dad”. He is afraid that he will end up alone. Despite everything he hopes that he will be chosen, appreciated, liked, accepted and loved by his future parents who are out there somewhere and will come for him. Andy is hopeful and wants to feel the joy and happiness of having a family as well.

Andy is now also listed as "Abram" with Reece's Rainbow! His most recent update reads: Andy's sister has already been adopted, and he worries that he may never have a mom and dad of his own. He does well in school, needing fewer educational supports as he matures. Andy is described as calm, communicative, and helpful. He enjoys team sports. Does your family have room for a soccer player?


Andy is now listed as "Asher" with Children's House International. His update reads: The prevailing emotional conditions of Andy are positive. He often keeps his emotions to himself, does not share when he feels negative emotions. But when Andy feels happy, he demonstrates relevancy in his verbal and non-verbal behavior. He shares what makes him feel good, smiles, and tells with details. The emotional level of Andy is in the process of positive development, he trusts harder, but when he trusts someone is willing to allow him in his inner world. He does not enter conflicts and does not show aggression. I can't believe this sweet teen is still waiting for a family to call his own. Andy has experienced so much hurt in his life, and desperately needs a family that will give him all the love he so deserves and needs. I pray that he doesn't have to wait much longer. He only has a little less than two years before it is too late. Please don't let that become Andy's fate. Scroll above and click the link to inquire!


Andy is now listed as "RBK_840" with World Links! His most recent update with Rainbowkids reads: Andy is a healthy 14 years old boy. His sisters were adopted, he is now waiting for a family to call his own as well. Andy has well-developed fine and gross motor skills. He is interested in collective sporting activities. He tries to be clean and tidy and cares about his appearance. He respects adults’ authority, follows instructions and directions, and does not object to the established rules. He likes both group and individual games. He attends his classes regularly and exhibits desire and interest in the school subjects. Because Andy has some difficulties in the educational process, he works with a resource teacher.
