
Listed February 2016


Meet "Summer"! Summer is a sweet 12-year-old girl living in Eastern Europe. She is diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome. Summer was also born premature.

Summer is quiet but friendly. She loves music, reading, books, and swinging. She is very affectionate, and loves attention from her caregivers.

As of 2016, Summer could eat independently but ate slowly. She needed motivation to participate in group activities, and would rather keep to herself. She can independently walk and go up and down stairs. As of 2016, Summer mostly expressed her feelings through mimics and movements, and was not yet speaking full sentences, though she had began to say some words. 

From a family that met her in 2016: "She seemed high energy and busy, but full of smiles. She was eager to interact and have attention. She loved being held by our facilitator. Our daughter gets very excited when she sees Summer's picture, she must have been a good friend. Summer receives occupational and speech therapy and I'm sure will blossom with a family and services available in the US! She had definite delays due to both FAS and orphanage, but she was playful, interested in her environment, and friendly with other kids. She has probably been transferred to the institution by now."  

Summer has a $5,000 grant towards her adoption with Reece's Rainbow!

This sweet girl hasn't had an update since she was listed, and likely won't unless someone makes an inquiry. "Summer" 's information may be outdated, but she is SO deserving of a forever family if she hasn't found that yet. I pray that if she isn't a daughter yet, she will be very soon. Could Summer be your daughter?
