


*Adam's country is not currently processing adoptions*

Meet handsome little "Adam"! Adam is 8 years old, and living in Eastern Europe. He appears to have cerebral palsy, and may also have epilepsy.

Adam has waited far too long for a family. Though a war now wages in his country, as soon as things calm down he will be tranferred, out of the babyhouse and into a large institution. There, he will become skinny, neglected, and abused. His chubby cheeks will fade, and his body will become stiff from lack of movement. 

"Adam" is not currently listed on any American advocacy sites, but is available for international adoption. This wonderful boy needs a family to call his own and help him reach his full potential! His country is currently closed to adoptions, but once they reopen, RUN to this sweet boy! He deserves more than a lifetime in a crib within the same four walls. He deserves a FAMILY.

If you are interested in Adam, please comment below or send a message. Could you be his family?
