
Listed February 2021


Meet beautiful “Kinsley”! Kinsley is 12 years old, and living in South America. She is diagnosed with dwarfism and a developmental delay.

Kinsley is super sweet and full of spunk. She likes wearing hair clips, and looking pretty. She loves wearing dresses, and accessorizing with earrings and bracelets! She loves dolls, and pretending to be a teacher. Kinsley is also very active, and loves swimming, riding her bike, and playing at the park.

Kinsley has $2,071.85 in her personal grant, a $500 grant with Madison Adoptions, and $10,000 towards her adoption with the LPA (Little People of America) as long as her family joins! 

Kinsley has waited so long for her forever family. This is an amazing girl with a bright future, she just needs a little love from her mama and papa.

Click the link below to inquire about Kinsley or make a donation to her personal grant. There is also a link to the LPA if you’d like more info on their organization.

Password: Adoptmaa


Kinsley unfortunately was not chosen for hosting during the summer of 2022. This sweet girl still waits for someone to see her and make her their daughter. She sounds like a wonderful girl, and wants to share her light with a family! Click the link above to make an inquiry about Kinsley, or donate towards her adoption. Let's get her HOME!


Precious Kinsley now has an update! This sweet girl is getting older, and her chances of finding a forever family reduce with each passing year. Kinsley is a vibrant, happy, and outgoing young lady with so much to offer. I know the perfect family is out there just waiting to see her worth! Don't be afraid of adopting an older child with delays. She is so worthy! 
