Below are some resources for various things, information on international adoption, country programs, grant opportunities, and more! 

Throughout this entire blog, you will find quotes in italics. These quotes were taken with permission from the Reece's Rainbow group as a message from adoptive parents to parents considering adoption. They are not all positive and happy comments, but they are all HONEST. Take these messages of advice from parents who have "been there" as a guide on your adoption journey.

"Adopting a child is a wonderful decision that can bring immeasurable joy and fulfillment to a family"

Grant Organizations

Reece's Rainbow - offers grants of various amounts to waiting children listed on their site. Open a Family Sponsorship Program account (FSP) for families adopting any child with special needs OR 13+ internationally. This is a personal fundraising grant. Open an FSP here . Once you have an FSP set up & your dossier is submitted, you can apply for the 5/5/5 for Families Grant , a grant in which every month five families will be chosen to receive a certain amount of money divided equally among funds donated to the grant. Click here to learn more. Be sure to join the Reece's Rainbow FB Group too!

Here I Am Orphan Ministries - Christian based grant organization that gives grants up to $10,000 for listed children on their site. Many of the children are also listed on Reece's Rainbow. Must be of the Christian faith to apply. 

Love Worthy - Matching grant organization of various amounts. Family must be adopting a special needs child internationally and have an FSP with Reece's Rainbow

Lifesong for Orphans - Christian based grant organization serving orphans internationally and prospective and adoptive families

The Sparrow Fund - Offers grants for families adopting any child both domestically and internationally

Open Hearts for Orphans - Offers the "Say Yes" grant to families adopting children with special needs internationally. "Downright Lovable" grant to families adopting children with Down Syndrome, and "Heart Warrior" grant to families adopting children with congenital heart defects. Preference to Christian families, but anyone can apply. They also provide medical care to orphans and vulnerable children internationally, as well as a chance to sponsor an orphan. Partnering with Lifesong for Orphans.

Brittany's Hope - Offers grants to families adopting children internationally. Also provides a chance to sponsor an orphan or vulnerable child. 

Rainbows from Raya - Offers grants to traveling families to cover the cost of plane tickets, as well as matching grants of various amounts.

Kya's Promise - Offers grants for families adopting a child with special needs internationally. They also support families with special needs children in medical or financial crisis, hospice, and burial expenses. They also provide humanitarian aid for special needs families and orphans in Ukraine. 

Angels in Disguise - Offers grants to families adopting children with Down Syndrome internationally. (note from the blogger- I personally know the founders of Angels in Disguise as well as their family, and have gone to several fundraisers! They are an AMAZING family that has done AMAZING things! I totally recommend them for any international DS adoption!)

Many agencies also offer special grants and fee reductions for specific waiting children, or based on the family's financial needs. 

"While it is true that caring for a child with special needs can present unique challenges, it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life"

More Waiting Children

Reece's Rainbow - waiting children from various countries. Public

Rainbowkids - waiting children from various countries. Free account required to see children

RODS Heroes - video profiles of waiting children visited by the RODS team in Colombia and Armenia.

"Every child deserves a loving home. Children with special needs are no exception."

Country Programs

US Department of State - information on ALL countries and their international adoption programs and requirements, as well as additional information on agencies

Domestic Adoption

Domestic adoption is adopting from within the country you reside in. While this blog typically only advocates for waiting children internationally, here are some link to waiting children right here in America! Many of these children have certain special or medical needs. Some may need to remain in the same state they are currently in while others may be available nationally. Get in touch with an agency and social worker in your state to learn more.

AdoptUSKids - state photolists

National Down Syndrome Adoption Network - waiting children with Down Syndrome in US foster care

2nd Chance Adoption - waiting children who have been adopted but needing to be placed with a new adoptive family. Also check out KidTeen adoption - waiting children in the US


Different agencies have different requirements and programs. Thoroughly research each program and agency. You can also visit IAAME 's website to find more accredited adoption agencies working in your area.


China is currently closed to adoptions due to COVID, and not processing any new paperwork.

Hand of Help in Adoption is currently accepting new clients for Ukraine, but as of Feb 2022, adoptions are closed. International adoption from Ukraine will begin 3 months after the end of martial law. As of today, this means that martial law will be reviewed again in August 2024 and if it is lifted, international adoptions will resume in November 2024.

Haiti is currently experiencing extreme violence and as a result, government offices that process adoptions have been shut down temporarily. Select US agencies are taking new applications, but the process will take much longer than typical depending on when Haitian offices reopen.

Madison Adoption Associates - programs in Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Philippines, Hong Kong, and Thailand 

Holt International - programs in Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Haiti, Hong Kong, Korea, Philippines, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Mongolia, and Vietnam

Chinese Children Adoption International - programs in China, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Taiwan, Colombia, Dominican Republic, and Belize

Hopscotch Adoptions - programs in Armenia, Bulgaria, Republic of Georgia, Ghana, Guyana, Morocco, Pakistan, Serbia, Trinidad and Tobago, and Ukraine

Lifeline Children's Services - programs in Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Peru, Poland, Romania, Taiwan, Ukraine, Philippines, and Burundi

Saint Mary International Adoptions - programs in Bulgaria and Serbia

Open Door Adoption Agency - programs in Bulgaria, El Salvador, Ecuador, Lithuania, Mexico, Peru, Poland, and Ukraine

Agape Adoptions - programs in Bulgaria, China, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Hong Kong, Romania, Uganda, Ghana, and Sri Lanka

Wasatch International Adoption - programs in Bulgaria, China, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Samoa, Tanzania, Tonga, Nigeria, and St. Lucia

Wide Horizons for Children - programs in Burundi, Colombia, Philippines, China, and South Korea

Nightlight Christian Adoptions - programs in Albania, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, India, Jamaica, Liberia, Mexico, Nigeria, Portugal, Taiwan, Ukraine, Philippines, and United Kingdom

Children's House International - programs in Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Republic of Georgia, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Portugal, Romania, Ukraine, Brazil, and the United Kingdom

Gladney Center for Adoption - programs in China, Colombia, Bulgaria, Dominican Republic, Hong Kong, Philippines, and Taiwan

Heartsent - programs in Taiwan, Colombia, Canada, United Kingdom, and Thailand

World Links - programs in Bulgaria, Kyrgyzstan, and Ukraine

Hand in Hand - programs in Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Haiti, Hong Kong, and Ukraine

Living Hope Adoption - programs in China, Bulgaria, Uganda, and Honduras

Carolina Adoption Services - programs in Armenia, Bulgaria, Ghana, Haiti, and Ecuador

Alliance for Children - programs in Bulgaria, Colombia, Hungary, Romania, and Vietnam

Kids First Adoption - programs in Bulgaria, Dominican Republic, Poland, and Ukraine

America World Adoption - programs in China, Ecuador, Haiti, Honduras, Bulgaria, Colombia, and India

Promise Kids a Future - programs in Malawi and Kenya

Holston United Methodist - program in the Philippines 

Small World - programs in Bulgaria, Lesotho, Liberia, and Madagascar

Global Adoption Services - Bulgaria, Hong Kong, Cote D'Ivoire, and Ukraine

"Adopting a child with special needs can be an opportunity to learn and grow" 

"This can be a challenging and rewarding experience, as you develop new skills and knowledge that can benefit your entire family"


Reece's Rainbow Facebook Group - informational Facebook group that provides support and resources for both adoptive families, potential families, and advocates

Save Adoptions - international adoption advocacy group. Provides a plethora of various information regarding international adoption, programs, children, etc.

Love Without Boundaries - international charity that supports orphans and vulnerable children

The Shepherd's Crook - Christian based advocacy organization. Lists waiting children both internationally and domestically, resources for potential and adoptive families, and a podcast for waiting children. 

Hand of Help in Adoption - Ukraine adoption facilitators. Also lists waiting children in Ukraine, mostly with special needs.

RODS Heroes - grant and advocacy organization for orphans with Down Syndrome. As of 2022, RODS has also begun advocating for children with other special needs! Find tons of videos of waiting children, mostly in South America, on their instagram

All for One Orphan - Facebook group that aids families currently in process for international adoption financially through auctions. 

Sarah's Covenant Homes - Group home in India for children with disabilities who are unable to live with their biological families. Many children are available for international adoption. Also gives the option for child sponsorship. Like their Facebook page

Ekisa Ministries - Charity organization based in Uganda that serves children with disabilities as well as their families. Ekisa's Transitional Home is a residential group home for children with disabilities who are unable to live with their biological families. Many children are listed on Reece's Rainbow and are available for international adoption. Also gives the option for child sponsorship. Like their Facebook page

Children of the Promise - Group home in Haiti for children with disabilities who are unable to live with their biological families. Many children are listed on Reece's Rainbow and are available for international adoption. Also gives the option for child sponsorship. Like their Facebook page

For His Children Ecuador  - Group home in Ecuador for children with disabilities who are unable to live with their biological families. Many children are listed on Reece's Rainbow and are available for international adoption. Also gives the option for child sponsorship. Like their Facebook page

AdoptionBridge - View waiting children with a free account and donate to their personal grants. Set up a family fundraising page. Nonprofit organization. Used mostly by Nightlight Christian Adoptions to list waiting children but not directly affiliated. 

Reece's Rainbow Reports - Interviews with special needs adoptive families. 

Testimonies & Advice

I asked members of the Reece's Rainbow group to share some of their experiences with adoption, what they wish they knew, and what they would share with a family considering adoption. 

"In just about 1.5 years she would have lost the chance forever to be adopted. God knows what her future would have held in an institution. She was nearly mute when I adopted her. She could never have self-advocated. Now, she has no problem telling me she doesn't want to go do something and she has pipes and she can throw a tantrum with the best of them. She is a kid. She should be a kid. Please don't close your eyes to older child adoption. Yes there are unique challenges, but we are made of more than we know."

"Because the older children need families too. Adults need family. The risk can be great, but to turn our backs on them out of fear is not right, Someone has to be family to these precious souls. I will not pretend it is easy and I will not pretend that every family should adopt an older child with special needs. But many SHOULD."

"Getting to know the child makes a difference in their lives. Having parents has helped me know I am important, loved, I have a new life. I can be my best and I am safe."

"Please, see the crib babies - whether they are still babies in arms, or whether they are teenagers. See them. Share them. Advocate for them. Adopt them ! If WE can ANYONE can"

"I adopted out of birth order 20+ years ago. It was not good for any of us. There is a reason adoption professionals now say not to do it."

"How stinking HARD the first few months are. Imagine how hard it will be, then magnify that by 100. It's definitely the hardest thing we've ever done. And the bond doesn't come automatically for everyone. A year in and it's so much better, but some days are still so hard."

"I wish we had understood that even if there are programs out there that your kids "should" qualify for, it doesn't mean they will. Everyone assured us that our state has a great Medicaid waiver program before we adopted...except 11 years later, neither of my kids have access to it. My advice to myself would be to try not to spend too much time worrying about or trying to predict the future, because for better or for worse, kids always surprise you!"

"Post-adoption depression is as real as post-partum depression"

"It's normal if love isn't instant."

"It's not always easy but it's incredibly rewarding"

"That adopted children can have the most loving and best of circumstances and that is gain but there is still loss. Who am I, was I not important enough, cute enough, smart enough. Who do I look like when the others look just like their dad and I look like nobody. They may not come to terms with this for many many years."

"That older children need families just as much as the babies"

"That we are not super heroes, & we parents also need emotional support, & looking down on us when we are stressed & need help is not helpful, nor did we make a stupid decision in bringing our babies home." 
